Workshop mit Felix Lehrmann
Drumclinic mit Felix Lehrmann am 18.09.2024
Felix Lehrmann ist Deutschlands vielseitigster Schlagzeuger. Seit 15 Jahren ist er festes Bandmitglied von Deutschlands erfolgreichster Pop-Sängerin Sarah Connor. Er spielt seit acht Jahren mit der Martin Miller Session Band (millionenfach auf Youtube geklickt) und arbeitet seit drei Jahren mit Till Brönner zusammen. Felix hat auf über 250 Alben mitgewirkt und zählt zu Deutschlands meist aufgenommen Drummern. Er hat eine eigene Band namens MARRIAGE MATERIAL, mit der er bereits zwei Alben veröffentlicht hat.
Wann: 18.09.2024
Einlass: 18:30 Uhr
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Preis: 8,-€
Ort: Musik Klier / Wölckernstraße 29 / Haus 2 (Schlagzeug-Abteilung)
Born 1984 in a small town called Halberstadt, Felix´ family moved to Berlin, when he was about three years old. At the same time he started to play the drums. As son of a well known guitar player and thus growing up in a musical family, his childhood was a never-ending jam session between Felix and his dad Michael Lehrmann – which lasts up to this day. Taking only private lessons with different teachers through the years, Felix found in Kenny Martin 2001 not only a mentor but also a good friend.
After playing in numerous semi-pro bands, Felix Lehrmann started his professional career at the age of 17, when playing his first european tour with a singer called Della Miles. He still had to go to school for two more years to receive his graduation in 2004, but in the meantime he could not be stopped to play as many gigs and studio session as he could (or as many as his mother, who is a school teacher, allowed him to do). After finishing school, Felix immediately went on tour with a german TV star and singer Yvonne Catterfeld, which lasted for two years.
From that point on, he never looked back and ever since his schedule has been filled with tours, studio dates and clinics around the globe!